Welcome Everyone!

Thanks SO much for visiting my blog! It's not much but it'll keep all you dog lovers posted on Rascal, our PUPPY!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'm guessing Rascal hates feet now.

First Louise (neighbor dog) steps on poor Rascal. Then Mom accidentaly steps on Rascal. Poor puppy!

DOGS VS CATS!!!!!!!!

DOGS 100%

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Poll News

Do you have a dog and how old is it?
Yes a puppy 50%
Yes an adult 50%
Yes an old dog 0%
No 0%

Do you have a pet?
Yes a dog 100%
Yes a cat 0%
Yes a small animal 100%
No 0%
Vote on Dogs VS Cats!

I think he's getting bigger.

I really do!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rascal Update and Poll News

1st: The Rascal Update
Rascal hasn't had an accident today yet (knock on wood) but he has been, as usual, hilarious! There's a neighbor dog, Louise, who is really big compared to Rascal. Rascal actually likes to play with her!!! She barks a lot. Anyway, here's the story:
Rascal is outside taking a "restroom break" when he smells Louise scent next door (She's actually in their house. Did I mention it was raining?). He races up their steps and then Louise, from inside, smells him. And she barks. Like a maniac. So my neighbor opens the door and then Rascal goes inside (the last thing I wanted)!!! My friend chases Rascal and brings him back. Gosh!
2nd: Poll News
Do you like this blog?
Yep, it's cool. 0%
It's O.K. 50 %
NO WAY!!! 0%
Another Poll News will be posted soon...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I'm sorry I didn't go on for a while here's what I was going to tell you

Here's what the results were of the dress up poll:
1 person voted It's so cute!
1 person voted It's ok.
1 person voted I don't really like it.
0 people voted UGH!

Rascal is so funny! He goes in the living room (where he shouldn't be) and when we try to get him, he runs around and around and around the coffee table really fast so it takes two people to catch him!!!!!!!