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Thanks SO much for visiting my blog! It's not much but it'll keep all you dog lovers posted on Rascal, our PUPPY!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Newest Update and a story you might find funny

Well, we went to the vet and got him medicine, prescription food, blah blah blah. He is REALLY expensive!!! And now for a "funny" story!
The Story:
We left PetSmart. I took him into the grass in case he had to pee or poo. But his leash got tangled under his legs! He stopped and I figured that I could actually get the leash out from under the poor thing. And as I did so, he PEED ON ME!!!!!!!!! I like, screamed and ran into PetSmart to wash my hands. THE END.
What? Why are you laughing? IT'S NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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